Weather forecasts for Knysna, Noetzie and Plettenberg Bay
Knysna weather and climate patterns of Plettenberg Bay are amongst the most temperate in the world.
You will find that weather forecasts and the climatic conditions in general for Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and The Garden Route are rarely ever overly hot or overtly cold.
That means that this part of South Africa is perfect as an all-year-round holiday destination and Knysna Weather welcomes globe trotters from all over the world!
The Garden Route offers an oceanic climate, with beautiful warm Summers and average maximum day time temperatures ranging between 25-30 degrees centigrade between November and March.
Winter months are usually warm and sunny by day but chilly at night and early morning. Average maximum day time winter temperatures vary between 22 – 25 degrees centigrade between May and October.